Placing an order with Plumbhub is easy, however, on this page, we have listed how to deal with any issues you may come across along the way.

1. Accounts

When creating a new Plumbhub account, the customer will be prompted to provide their name, email address and desired password. An email verification will be sent immediately and verifying the account will instantly make the account active, which is used to store previous orders and tracking numbers.

2. Delivery

All delivery rates/expected times are listed here: Delivery & Returns Page

3. Checkout

Once happy with their cart, the customer should proceed to checkout.

4. Check and submit your order

After checking the provided information to ensure all of their details are correct, the customer can proceed to submit their order. Plumbhub cannot be held accountable for any mistakes provided by the customer, leading to failed deliveries or lost items.

5. Enjoy!